
Personal Reaction towards the article: How TikTok is influencing minds and changing culture

                                    Image from:  The Washington PostFAQ: Should you delete TikTok? Here's everything you need to weigh the real privacy risks - The Washington Post  In the modern society that we belong, no matter our age, social status and etc. We are reliant with the present technologies that are with us. One of the largest portion that capture our interest within the human-to-technology engagement is the social media platforms.  Now given that it has offered its contributions to the world by its features that gives the people easy access to information, lives of others, communication and many more. The article that I read, was centered upon the platform called “TikTok.”  When the application TikTok first arise, the platform was centered upon music and talents alone. As it rapidly grew over the years , It has evolved along with the people posting their contents on their accounts, widely open for the whole world to see. TikTok contents and users has now variety of

What do I find interesting when chit-chatting with my friends?

By Kassandra Izabel Cañada Photo: Having these casual conversation with my friends somewhat brings me at ease and it entertains me in some ways that lures me into talking or engaging more into our topic. When we are chit-chatting with the people whom we’re close to, we may find ourselves invested and focused on what they have to say.   As for me, I personally am interested when my friends talk about something new or a news that they’ve found out recently that I myself would relate to. I do love it when we share stories too, it makes us feel as if we were right there when it happened; then we’ll have something to laugh about, something to reminisce, something that we can relate to and many more. I

Why am I not boring to talk to?

By Kassandra Izabel Cañada Photo: When we are having a conversation with somebody, we may always have a thought at the back of our heads; are we boring them? Well, for a fact holding a conversation may be a complex thing to begin with when we dig deeper in to it. It may be simple at first when we have our purpose. Having to maintain a conversation, may vary from one person to another but as for me I do have those thoughts as well however, I often find myself at ease when I know the points of what our conversation is about and what more I can share. I personally, do find dry conversations awkward and irritating so I try my hardest to avoid having that with someone. It is also a great way to make a great impression on someone so I take it seriously, most of the times during a conversation, I ask open-ended questions such questions that does not stop the topic at a given point. I am also open to what the other

How do I dislike a conversation politely?

By Kassandra Izabel Cañada Photo: In certain situations, specially during conversations we can never avoid a circumstance that holds us in a position of a conversation that we dislike. It could make us think about having to avoid it politely.  As a good conversationalist, we have our moral values despite our dislikes, we still make considerations for others’ feelings. In order to dislike a conversation politely I can easily just dismiss or excuse myself politely, come up with an excuse politely or just directly explain in a polite manner my reason for disliking such conversation. These techniques could avoid further conflict with the other party. In that way I can dissolve the conversation peacefully. Also, I always put in mind that it is not my fault or that I should not feel guilt for disliking a conversation, It is normal and inevitable in all situations.  I have just been from this situation recently, having to deal such disliked conversation